Wanted to share with you that as your read this email, the 2021 Junior Canadian Championships its on its way. Finals will be played at a glass court in Yorkdale Mall this weekend.

We have the great honor of having 6 players that participate in the RHSC Junior Program competing in this very prestigious event:

Boys Under 13: Kent Rawlins and Aidan Hisey

Girls Under 15: Ainsley Rawlins, Zoe Chong and Charlotte Ghaeli

Girls Under 17: Keira Rawlins

Please join me in wishing them luck. You can follow live scores and draws in the following link (you might need to create a user if this is your first time on this website): https://clublocker.com/tournaments/12695/info

More information about the tournament can be found in this Squash Canada link:  https://squash.ca/2021-oxford-properties-canadian-squash-championships-presented-by-slaight-music/

Lastly, if you didn’t get your tickets to see the matches live at Yorkdale Mall, here is a LIVE STREAM link for those great matches. Don’t miss this great opportunity to see the best Canadian players in action !

Live Stream link: https://www.cbc.ca/search?q=squash&section=all&sortOrder=relevance&media=all

NOTE: The 2021 Canadian Championships (not just Juniors) are also taking place this weekend at Yorkdale Mall.